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User Guide

Project Poseidon

Table of Contents:

:ocean: Introduction

P.O.S.E.I.D.O.N (Poseidon) is a desktop application for keeping track of todo tasks, upcoming deadlines and planning events. Poseidon's efficient and intelligent algorithm, combined with an optimized Command Line Interface (CLI) and a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) gives you a fast and smooth user experience. If you can type fast, Poseidon can help you plan and organize your day faster than traditional GUI apps.

:trident: :ocean:

P.O.S.E.I.D.O.N - stands for

P lanner

O rganizer that's

S imple

E fficient

I ntelligent

D igital

O ptimized and

N ifty.

:ocean: Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your Computer.

  2. Download the latest poseidon.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Poseidon.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. (If you face trouble opening the app this way, follow this tutorial)


  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. For starters type help and press Enter to find out more about the commands you can use.

Alternate way

Open up a command prompt in the working directory that contains poseidon.jar and type in the following command.

java -jar poseidon.jar

:ocean: Features

:trident: Help

Lists all the commands you can use.

Syntax: help

e.g., help

:trident: Todo

A todo task is a simple task with description of the task.
This command adds a todo task with a non-empty description.

Syntax: todo 'description'

e.g., todo Eat Dinner

:trident: Deadline

A deadline task is a task with a description of the task and a date and time by which the task is to be completed.
This command adds a Deadline task with a non-empty description and a valid date and time.

Syntax: deadline 'description' /by 'yyyy MM dd HHmm'

e.g., deadline finish project /by 2021 10 01 2359

:trident: Event

An Event is a task with a description, a start date and time and an end date and time.
This command adds an Event task with a non-empty description, "from" valid date and time and a "to" valid date and time.

Syntax: event 'description' /from 'yyyy MM dd HHmm' to 'yyyy MM dd HHmm'

e.g., event team meeting /from 2021 10 01 2000 to 2021 10 01 2200

:trident: Done

Marks a task as done based on the index of the task as shown in the normal list.

Syntax: done 'index'

e.g., done 2

:trident: Delete

Deletes a task based on the index of the task as shown in the normal list.

Syntax: delete 'index'

e.g., delete 3

:trident: List

Lists all the tasks with their description, time(s) (if-applicable) and the done status.

Syntax: list

e.g., list

:trident: List Sorted

Lists all the tasks with their description, time(s) (if-applicable) and the done status, sorted based on time.

Syntax: list -s

e.g., list -s

:trident: Find

Searches all the tasks based on the given content and shows the results in the form of a list.

Syntax: find 'content'

e.g., find meeting

:trident: Bye

Exits the application.

Syntax: bye

e.g., bye

:trident: Case Sensitivity

All commands are case insensitive.

e.g., bye,BYE and Bye all work.

:ocean: Command Summary

Action Command Format
For help help
Add todo task todo 'description
Add deadline task deadline 'description' /by 'yyyy MM dd HHmm'
Add event event 'description' /from 'yyyy MM dd HHmm' to 'yyyy MM dd HHmm'
Mark task done done 'index'
Delete task delete 'index'
List tasks list
List tasks sorted list -s
Find content find 'content'
Exit app bye